Eeek! It's crazy to say that! This has been a long time in the making, yet I can't believe that I am actually posting my first post.
First - an introduction. Marj in the Making is me, Marjie High. Wife, mother of three, reformed lawyer, creative person, trying to figure how to balance it all and keep my sanity. Sort of. The sanity part is questionable...
So. What do I do?
Here' a smattering of what I've been working on so far....
There promises to be all sorts of fun starting up soon! Stories, tutorials, designs, more stories... cuz I'm like that. When something funny happens, I've got to share! Actually, I'm not really sure what will happen around here. That's what this is all about. It's a work in progress. I'M a work in progress.
So, I can't wait to see you again and get to know you better. And for you to get to know me a little better! And for me to get to know me a little better... All I can I promise is it will be a fun ride.
This is Marj - in the Making!
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