Friday, November 8, 2013

Sewing up Christmas: The Palette

So, much to my dear husband's chagrin, I am one of those people that loves matching holiday outfits.

Sometimes my kids are into them..... 
And sometimes not so much....

But I simply can't resist!
Last Christmas I decided to branch out and go for a coordinating look instead of the traditional matchy-matchy. 

Last year was also the year I taught myself to sew, bought 5 yards of material and went for it!  Not too bad, I think, but my sewing skills and my design aesthetic has changed a bit since then.
This year I'm Sewing up Christmas again and I'd like YOU to join me! 
I have decided on a more "non-traditional" palette of aqua, olive and grey...

I was inspired by the gorgeous aqua velveteen, which I just love with the olive contrast. It looks somewhat darker here since the camera can't quite capture the sheen, but I assure you it's very winter ice-princess.  I can't wait to sew up a little dress with it!

For the boys I have planned some more ambitious garments (for a self-taught sewist) with this white and aqua polka dot cotton, silvery-grey corduroy and a delicious olive and grey accent fabric.  I plan a button-down, complete with collar and buttons and not one, but two pairs of "tailored" pants with zipper fronts.  I have used zippers before, just in things like pillows....  Should be interesting...

I'm not fooling myself into thinking this will be easy here, but I'm hoping for some Christmas pictures I will be proud of not just because my kids aren't crying in them. 

I've got 6.5 weeks, a dress, two pairs of dress pants, a button down shirt and a dressy knit long sleeve ahead of me....  Hard work (for me), but I'm sure it will be fun and I plan to keep you all updated every step of the way.

This is one of those proving to myself "I can do anything if I put my mind to it" moments so, wish me luck!  (And feel free to send coffee and chocolate because I'm sure I'm going to need them :)) 

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